Blueberry dumplings
An original dish from the Ahrntal valley. We brought it on the grill. At a wedding in Prettau, the mother of the bridge gave us her “YES” for this dish. Delicious was her comment.
An original dish from the Ahrntal valley. We brought it on the grill. At a wedding in Prettau, the mother of the bridge gave us her “YES” for this dish. Delicious was her comment.
Our butcher “Metzgerei Stampfl Vintl/Klausen” made some Dry Aged Pork Chops. Awesome taste after 12 weeks! Invalid Displayed Gallery
Burger gibt es viele, aber den alpine Cheeseburger noch nicht! Was braucht ihr dazu? Vinschgerle feinstes Rinderhack Ahrntaler Graukäse Südtiroler Speck Apfelscheiben Sauerkraut Birnen-Zwiebel-Creme Ihr könnt das Hackfleisch pur verwenden oder ihr “veredelt” es nach belieben. Heute haben wir es bisschen gepimpt und zwar mit Senf, Tabasco, Pfeffer und Salz. Den Graukäse haben wir IN das […]
Dark. Cold. Extreme. W.E.S.T. – Winter Extreme South Tyrol BBQ Contest The first KCBS-sanctioned contest in Europe in 2015! From16/01-18/01/2015 at Riva di Tures (Souty Tyrol – Italy).
During the weekend from may 17th to may 18th Haymo Gutweniger attended the prestigious event KCBS-Certification in Fortezza di Verrua Savoia near Torino. The event was organized by BBQ4ALL and there were certified 40 new judges (CBJ – KCBS-Certified-BBQ-Judge) and 10 CTC (KCBS-Certified-Table-Captain). Haymo Gutweniger is one of them. Congratulations! It’s a memorable day, no […]